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Works On Paper

Work with paper is at the heart of my art practice. Whatever the form, technique or medium, it allows me to develop ideas, communicate, experiment as well as connect to everything else I do. This is something that started in grade school where we had to work from a dedicated textbook. It was common practice to have a new reading for homework from which we were expected to complete work. Aside form the work ethic instilled, it was the illustrations and artwork that accompanied the text which was more important to me. Coping and manipulating the images allowed for me to develop my independent creativity and imagination. Today, I often still start most work in my sketchbook, preparatory drawings and computer which permit me to experiment while developing concepts, compositions and problem solving.


Later in university I studied and worked in paper and art conservation which influenced my approach to the materiality. Most recently, while I still continue to work in drawing, printing, photography, paper making, I have returned to working with cellulose and fiber in sculpture making both in 2D, 3D and free standing installation pieces.

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